Sport Scholarships America







Discover the essential steps and criteria for student athletes to secure a sports scholarship in the USA.


Learn all about the academic requirements and preparations necessary for combining elite sports with studying in America.


Gain insight into the social aspect of life as a student athlete in the USA, including networking and adapting to a new culture.


Find answers to common questions about the process, preparation, and expectations of obtaining a sports scholarship in America.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the initial consultation now cost €14.99?

Previously, I offered the initial consultation for free. It was a pleasure to provide this service at no cost, as it helps me better understand your needs and tailor my services accordingly. However, this approach sometimes led to requests from people who were not seriously considering using my services. This resulted in a lot of time spent on conversations that did not lead to mutually beneficial cooperation. To ensure the quality and efficiency of my service, I have decided to charge a small fee of €14.99 for the initial consultation. This helps to ensure that those who request a conversation are seriously considering using my services. I want to assure you that this conversation is still non-binding and focused entirely on understanding your situation and discussing how I can best help you. I appreciate your understanding and look forward to a productive and insightful conversation with you.


What are the requirements to qualify for a sports scholarship?

To qualify for a sports scholarship in America, you need to excel in both academics and your sport. Schools look at your high school diploma, your grades, and often test results such as the SAT or ACT are required. For non-English speakers, a TOEFL or IELTS score is usually required. Sportswise, you need to demonstrate significant achievements in your sport at a level that is competitive within the American college scene. This often includes playing in national competitions or for reputable clubs, with evidence such as gameplay videos, statistics, and recommendations from coaches. Personal qualities like leadership, teamwork, and perseverance are also weighed. Earning a scholarship is a competitive battle where you stand out among many aspiring student-athletes, so it's important to distinguish yourself and apply early. Many students opt for support from specialized recruitment agencies.

How can I get scouted by American coaches?

To be scouted by American coaches, it's crucial to demonstrate your sports skills and maintain academic qualifications. It starts with compiling play footage, statistics, and recommendations that highlight your ability and potential. However, in the competitive world of college sports, a strong network plays a key role. This is where 'Sport Scholarships America' comes into play. With my extensive network of contacts within American universities, I can open doors that might otherwise remain closed. I present you directly to the coaches, ensure you stand out, and help navigate the complex world of recruitment. My connections and experience significantly increase the chance that your talent is noticed and that you secure the sports scholarship you're aiming for. With 'Sport Scholarships America', you're stronger in the scouting process.

What commitments do I enter into with a sports scholarship?

With a sports scholarship, you undertake various commitments. Firstly, you are expected to maintain academic success and uphold the university's standards. You must also adhere to the training and competition schedules of your sports team, which requires a significant time commitment. Additionally, you may be required to participate in team meetings, media events, and community services organized by your school. The university supports you with a scholarship with the expectation that you will perform both on the field and in the classroom and be a positive representative of the sports program. Violation of team rules, poor academic performance, or behavioral issues can lead to sanctions or even the withdrawal of the scholarship. Therefore, it's important to balance and take your responsibilities seriously to maintain your scholarship.

Can I practice my sport and simultaneously perform well in my studies?

Yes, it is possible to excel in both your sport and your studies. American universities often provide extensive support to student-athletes, such as tutoring, study planning, and academic advisors, specifically designed to help you balance sports commitments and academic requirements. Time management and organization are crucial. You will learn to prioritize and manage your time efficiently to be successful in both areas. It requires discipline and commitment, but with the right mindset and support systems, it is certainly achievable. Many student-athletes before you have proven that it's possible to deliver high academic performance while also excelling in their sport.

What happens to my scholarship if I get injured?

Sustaining an injury does not automatically mean you lose your sports scholarship. Most American universities have policies that maintain scholarships for student-athletes during recovery from an injury, as long as they continue to meet academic requirements and stay involved with the team in a modified role. You will be supported by the university's sports medical staff during your recovery process. However, specific conditions may vary by school, and the severity of the injury can play a role, so it's important to understand the scholarship contract and discuss what the expectations are in case of an injury.

How important is sports at American universities?

Sports play a central role at American universities; they contribute to school spirit and community. Athletic programs on many campuses receive significant investment and attention, with top facilities and coaching. Sports events attract large crowds and media attention. For student-athletes, these programs offer not only the chance to compete at a high level but also to develop leadership and teamwork skills, which are valuable for personal growth and future careers.

What does a typical day look like for a student-athlete in the US?

A typical day for a student-athlete in the US is tightly organized and requires discipline. The day often starts early with training or strength conditioning, followed by classes throughout the day. Student-athletes may use time between classes for tutoring or homework. Afternoon classes are usually followed by team training, tactical meetings, or competitions. Evenings are reserved for additional study time, recovery, and preparation for the next day. The life of a student-athlete is a careful balance between sports, studies, and personal time.


Which fields of study can I pursue with a sports scholarship?

With a sports scholarship in the US, you can pursue almost any field of study offered by the university, as long as you meet the admission requirements of the specific program. This ranges from arts and humanities to engineering and business administration. It's important to choose a field of study that aligns with your interests and career aspirations and where you can balance your academic obligations with your sport. Universities often encourage student-athletes to choose an academic path that challenges them academically alongside their sports career, preparing them for the future.

How do American universities differ from European universities?

American universities differ from European ones in several ways. A notable difference is the campus culture; American universities often offer a comprehensive experience with extensive facilities like sports complexes, dining halls, and student residences right on campus. The education system is more flexible, allowing students to choose classes outside their major and create their own schedules. The involvement in sports is much greater in the US, with university sports teams competing at a national level and offering sports scholarships to talented athletes. Additionally, the interaction with professors is more informal and accessible, and there's a strong emphasis on continuous assessment and class participation instead of just exams. Financially, the cost of studying at an American university is Generally higher than in Europe, but this is often offset by a wide range of scholarships and financial aid programs available to both American and international students.

How rigorous is the academic program for student-athletes?

The academic program for student-athletes in the US can be challenging due to the combination of sports commitments and study demands. Student-athletes must follow a full curriculum and meet the same academic standards as non-athletes, leading to a busy schedule. The training and competition schedules demand much time, making effective time management essential to succeed both on the field and in the classroom. Despite these challenges, many universities offer supportive services like tutoring and academic advising, specifically designed to help athletes balance their sports and study obligations.

What are the language requirements for non-English speaking students?

Non-English speaking students looking to study at an American university typically need to demonstrate their proficiency in English. This is Generally measured through standardized language tests such as TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Each university sets its own minimum scores that students must achieve. Some institutions may also accept alternative tests or offer their own language proficiency assessments. Additionally, student-athletes receiving a sports scholarship may receive extra language support through their university to help them succeed in both their academic and athletic endeavors. It's important for students to check the specific language requirements of their chosen university and sports program to ensure they meet all conditions.

What are the General admission requirements for American universities?

The General admission requirements for American universities include:
  • Academic History: Proof of secondary education success, usually through a high school diploma or equivalent, with transcripts showing courses and grades.
  • Standardized Tests: SAT or ACT scores are often required for domestic students, and sometimes for international applicants.
  • English Language Proficiency: Non-English speaking students must submit TOEFL or IELTS scores to demonstrate their English proficiency.
  • Recommendation Letters: Letters from teachers or school counselors highlighting your academic and personal qualities.
  • Personal Statement or Essays: Written pieces where students explain their motivation, goals, and suitability for the university.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Evidence of involvement outside of the classroom, such as clubs, sports, volunteer work, and other interests.
  • For international students, additional requirements may include financial documentation to prove they can fund their studies and living expenses, and sometimes an interview. Specific programs and universities may also have additional criteria, so it's important to check the admissions information for each institution.

Do I receive academic guidance as an athlete?

Yes, at American universities, student-athletes often receive academic guidance to help them succeed. This support can include study halls, where certain hours are reserved for studying, access to tutoring for challenging subjects, and academic advisors specifically assigned to athletes to help balance their course load and sports commitments. These services are designed to help athletes achieve their academic goals and remain eligible for their sport.

What are the consequences if I don't perform academically?

If you don't perform academically, there can be various consequences, depending on the university's and athletic department's rules. Generally, student-athletes who fail to meet academic standards can be placed on academic probation. This can lead to loss of playing time, restrictions on participating in sports events, or in severe cases, withdrawal of the sports scholarship. Additionally, student-athletes need to maintain a certain GPA to be eligible for competition according to NCAA or NAIA rules. Therefore, it is crucial to utilize the academic resources and guidance offered by the university to avoid academic issues.

How many universities can I apply to?

For student-athletes, the process of applying to universities is often linked to the preceding recruitment process. They typically start applying after there has already been contact with coaches and interest shown in their athletic abilities. This means the number of universities a student-athlete applies to can vary depending on the interest received from sports programs. It is common for an athlete to focus on a smaller number of schools - often between 3 and 5 - where they know there is mutual interest and where they have already had prior contact with the coaching staff about scholarship opportunities. This makes for a more targeted and often more effective application process, as the chances of acceptance and obtaining a sports scholarship are higher at these institutions.


What is the Social life like for student-athletes in America?

The Social life for student-athletes in America can be very dynamic and fulfilling, but also busy. As an athlete, you're often a well-known face on campus, which can lead to an active Social life. Many student-athletes find a community within their team and the broader athletic department, providing strong Social support. However, balancing involvement in both sports and academics can be challenging for the time available for other Social activities. Training, competitions, travel times for competitions, and the need to meet academic obligations take up a significant portion of time. Nonetheless, many athletes make time for Social events, student organizations, and campus activities, contributing to a rich university experience. The university culture in the US also encourages involvement in volunteer work, leadership development, and other extracurricular activities, all of which contribute to the Social life. It's important for student-athletes to find a good balance between sports, studies, and Social activities to have a complete and balanced university experience.

Can I participate in student organizations or other activities outside sports?

Certainly, as a student-athlete, you have the opportunity to participate in student organizations and extracurricular activities, but you must recognize that your sports commitments often take precedence. Practices, competitions, and travel for competitions can take up much of your time. Therefore, you will need to excel in time management to combine your sport, studies, and other activities. Although sports have priority, many universities encourage student-athletes to pursue a balanced university experience and often provide flexible opportunities for athletes to participate in the broader campus life. This can lead to a very fulfilling, though busy, university life where planning and organization are key.

How do I cope with homesickness or culture shock?

Homesickness and culture shock are natural reactions to living far from home, but know that you are not alone. As an athlete, you're part of a team, a community of individuals who share your passion for sports and often undergo similar experiences. This sense of camaraderie can be a powerful buffer against homesickness. Stay actively involved with your team and utilize the structure and routine that team life offers. Share your feelings with teammates; chances are they can relate and offer support. Remember that these experiences contribute to personal growth. With time and patience, you will adjust, and your new environment can start to feel like a second home. Universities also offer counseling and support for international students, so don't hesitate to seek help if you need it. You're surrounded by people who want to see you succeed, both on and off the field.

Are there networking opportunities with alumni or professionals?

Yes, many American universities offer excellent networking opportunities with alumni and professionals, especially for student-athletes. Sports teams often have a loyal network of former players who have built successful careers. Universities regularly organize networking events, career fairs, and mentorship programs where you can connect with graduates and professionals from various fields. These contacts can be invaluable for internships, job opportunities, and professional advice. As an athlete, you often also get the chance to participate in fundraising events and alumni gatherings, providing additional opportunities to build relationships. It's important to take advantage of these opportunities and build your network during your time at the university.

What are the housing options for student-athletes?

Student-athletes at American universities often have multiple housing options:
  • Athlete Housing Complexes: Some universities offer special housing facilities for athletes with amenities tailored to the needs of sportspeople, such as gyms and study halls.
  • Campus Dormitories: Traditional dorms or residence halls on campus are a common choice, with first-year students often living in these communal living spaces.
  • University Apartments: For older or transfer student-athletes, there are sometimes apartments available that offer more privacy and independence than dorms.
  • Private Housing: Some athletes opt for off-campus housing, such as apartments or houses, that they rent in the nearby community.
The choice depends on personal preference, budget, availability, and university policy. Universities usually have a housing department that can assist in finding the right option for you as a student-athlete.


When should I apply for a sports scholarship?

As an international athlete, the application process for a sports scholarship in the United States is similar to that for domestic athletes, but there are additional steps to consider. Sport Scholarships America NL guides a student through all these steps:
  • Early Preparation: Start early, ideally in the penultimate year of your high school, to gather information about universities and their sports scholarship programs.
  • Contact Coaches: With the help of Sport Scholarships America, establish contact with coaches in your penultimate year. This includes emailing, sharing sports performances and videos, and expressing interest in the program.
  • English Language Proficiency: Ensure you have taken the required English language tests such as TOEFL or IELTS well before applying. Study materials and additional information about these tests can be requested.
  • Academic Documentation: Sport Scholarships America assists with timely translation and certification of your academic documents since universities require them in English.
  • Applications: Initiate the formal application process at universities in your final year of high school, considering university deadlines and sports seasons.
  • Scholarships and Finances: Research scholarship opportunities and arrange the necessary financial documentation, as this is often required for international students.
  • Eligibility Centers: Register with the relevant eligibility centers such as the NCAA Eligibility Center or the NAIA Eligibility Center, which assess your amateur status and academic history.
  • Official Visits: If possible, plan visits to campuses that have invited you or that you have a serious interest in.
It is essential to be aware of and meet the specific deadlines and requirements, as these can vary from university to university and sports scholarship program. Additionally, the process may take longer due to the time required for obtaining visas and processing international documentation.

What costs are associated with a sports scholarship that are not covered?

While a sports scholarship can cover many of the costs of a university visit, there are certain expenses that may not be covered and that you will need to finance yourself:
  • Personal Expenses: Pocket money for activities like dining out, personal travel, or entertainment.
  • Books and School Supplies: Sometimes the costs of books and other study materials are not fully covered.
  • Travel Expenses: Traveling home during vacations and breaks is often not included.
  • Room and Board: Some scholarships only cover a portion of housing and meal plans.
  • Course-Specific Materials Costs: Special lab equipment or art supplies may incur additional costs.
  • Health Insurance: International students usually need to purchase health insurance, which is not always covered by scholarships.
  • Fees: Various fees such as technology, activities, or facility fees may be charged separately.
It's important to carefully review the terms of your sports scholarship and plan a budget for expenses that are not covered. Some universities offer additional financial aid or work-study programs to help cover these costs.

How does the visa application process work for studying in the US?

If you, as a European student, have obtained a sports scholarship to study in the US, obtaining a suitable visa is an important step. In this, my company, Sport Scholarships America, will assist you. Once you are admitted to a US university, you will receive the Form I-20 from the institution, which is essential for your visa application. With this document, you pay the SEVIS I-901 fee and schedule a visa interview at the US embassy or consulate. You then fill out the online DS-160 form and gather the necessary documents, such as financial evidence and academic records. With the help of Sport Scholarships America, you prepare for the interview and ensure that all documentation is correct, streamlining the process. My support enhances your chances of a successful visa application, allowing you to focus on your academic and athletic ambitions in the US.

Is medical insurance included with the scholarship?

Some sports scholarships may include medical insurance, but this is not standard with every scholarship or university. It is crucial to inquire about this with your specific program. If you arrange your sports scholarship through Sport Scholarships America, I will help you understand what your scholarship covers and advise you on how to secure insurance for the matters that are not covered. In the event that medical insurance is not included, I will assist you in finding suitable insurance to ensure that you are well-covered during your study and athletic activities in the US. Medical care can be expensive in America, so it is essential to be well-prepared in this regard.

How can I visit my family or can they visit me during my studies?

Student-athletes can often visit their family during designated school holidays, such as summer and winter breaks. It is important to consider the sports calendar and academic obligations when planning travels. For parents or family members coming from abroad to the US, it is usually necessary to apply for a tourist visa. They should initiate this process well in advance of their intended travel. Keep in mind that planning travel and visits is also a financial consideration, so it is wise to budget for this in advance.

What happens after I graduate? Can I stay and work in the US?

After completing your studies with a sports scholarship in the US, you have various options. If you wish to continue working, you can take advantage of the Optional Practical Training (OPT), which allows graduates to work in their field of study for up to 12 months. For graduates in STEM fields, this can even be extended to 24 months. To qualify for this, you must apply with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and receive approval before your visa expires. Longer-term work options require a work visa, often sponsored by an employer. It is important to start exploring your career opportunities during your studies and network to increase your chances of employment after graduation.